Everyone experiences anger at some time or another - there's just no way to avoid it! Being angry in certain situations is not only completely natural but also necessary. When we feel threatened, our instinctual "fight-or-flight" response kicks in, whether it's our pride, heart or physical well-being on the line. Anger helps us recognize fear, frustration or peril, and sends our body a clear message to take action and deal with the issue. Most of us feel uncomfortable with the intense emotion of anger, whether we're the ones fuming or on the receiving end. Despite its nasty reputation however, anger is not a bad emotion in and of itself. It is our individual reaction to anger that determines how helpful or harmful it can be.
Views on anger have changed many times over the years. In earlier eras, it was viewed as a sin or form of madness. During the rise of Darwinian and Freudian theories, a "ventilationist" approach was taken, describing the expression of anger as a healthy release. However, despite the popular idea that venting (punching a pillow, screaming, etc.) reduces anger, there has been no scientific basis for the supposed cathartic effect. If anything, venting may actually exacerbate feelings of anger and hostility. The good news is that thanks to advanced research and a better understanding of anger and how to deal with it, we can learn to identify our own personal style of coping and work on developing a more productive approach.
Time Strictly 10 minutes
[contact-form subject="NewsenViews Are you short Tempered ??" to="asbabu@gmail.com"]
[contact-field label="1. On your way home from work you stop at the shopping mall to pick up some dinner. As you walk past a restaurant you catch a glimpse of your partner with another man. They are so closely conversing very passionately. Up until this moment you believed your relationship was stable, loving, and committed – this is your soul mate, or so you thought. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" required="true" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="2. You overhear a friend badmouthing you. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="3. Your friend persuades you to hire her/his cousin for a moving job. The guy turns out to be pretty clumsy – he even manages to drop a box labeled “fragile”, shattering your valuable wine glasses into hundreds of pieces. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="4. You have agreed to pick up some friends at the station. They are coming to stay with you for a month, and they are not light travelers! You\'ve arranged with your partner to have the car for the day. You are about to leave the house when you realize the car is outside but your partner has gone to work with the keys. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="5. At a karaoke night with friends, your partner pokes fun at your singing in front of your friends. You thought your voice was pretty good, but it looks like your so-called better half thinks you deserve two thumbs down. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="6. You\'ve planted a garden in your backyard and are looking forward to reaping the fruit of your efforts. One day, you catch the neighbor\'s dog in action. With what looks like a delighted expression on his face, he lifts his leg and “waters” your plants. Your garden is ruined - who would want to eat contaminated produce? How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="7. On your way home from work you stop at the bank to deposit a check. As you\'re standing in line patiently waiting your turn, you notice a little kid with a chocolate bar running around screaming. His mom seems to have no problem with it; she\'s actually beaming with pride! Next thing you know, the kid decides to run over to you and give you a big hug, smearing little chocolate handprints all over your pants. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="8. You and a friend decide to catch a weekend matinée. You\'re getting drawn into the story but the guy behind you keeps bumping the back of your seat whenever he changes position...and he seems to be getting more restless as the movie progresses. How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="9. You are on your way home from a grueling conference. Your ticket states you have a direct flight home and should be landing at 7 p.m. You board your plane and, as soon as you\'re buckled in, there is an announcement that the flight has been re-routed. There will be an hour layover at another airport. Once you\'re on the ground for the layover however, the pilot comes back on the intercom and announces that the wait will be significantly longer than initially expected - 6 hours! How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]
[contact-field label="10. You just left your mother\'s house following one of your semi-regular arguments. This time she said some things that hit below the belt and really hurt. You know this type of disagreement with her typically dissolves within a week, but what she said was pretty nasty (even if she didn\'t mean it)! How angry does that make you feel?" type="radio" options="I dont feel angry at all.,I feel slightly annoyed,I feel a little angry.,I feel moderately angry.,I feel very angry.,I feel furious" /]